Most Wanted "Extinct" Species

 We have come up with a fantastic way of searching for extinct species without even leaving the country. Hiring or convincing guides from tour websites in the native species' countries and having them go look for signs of the animal themselves. We have put this into effect with several species already and intend to do it with more. 

Here is our list of "most wanted" lost species. Often times will will have the guide look where no one has before, in an unexpected habitat or unexplored locality. 

1. Cuban Ivory-Billed Woodpecker

There are several areas of Cuba where this bird hasn't been search for. Most searches have focused on far East Cuba, we intend on searching other areas.

2. Cape Verde Giant Skink

Most searches have focused on the islands of Branco and Raso. We will hire a guide to look on other islands, asking locals if they have ever seen such a large lizard.

3. Yunnan Lake newt

All searches have been conducted in Kunming lake. We intend to hire someone to ask locals around nearby lakes if they have spotted this colorful newt species. 

4. Imperial Woodpecker

Almost all habitat remains for this species, but few thorough searches have been conducted. The best option is to have a guide go to towns in the sierra madre and ask locals if any have been seen.

5. Glaucous Macaw 

The best search area is South Paraguay. Again, the best tactic is to ask locals if they have been seen.

6. Northern Darwin's frog

This will be difficult as the guide will have to search for this one themselves. It is unlikely locals will have spotted it.

7.Zanzibar leopard

While a camera trap caught one on camera a couple of years ago, no follow up has been conducted. The plan is to ship trail cameras to a guide and have him set them up in the Jozani and/or Muyuni forests with bait. This can be a long term project.

8. Jamaican Giant Galliwasp

The best search method for this species is again asking locals.

9. Javan Tiger

As with the Zanzibar leopard, trail cameras are the best search method. 

10. Rodrigues Day gecko

No searches for this obscure species has been conducted since the 1970s. It is likely if they still exist a local will have a report of one.


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