
Showing posts from October, 2021

New Reports of The Cape Verde Giant Skink

 The Cape Verde giant skink is believed to have gone extinct from the islands in the 1940s by Westerners. However recent reports suggest the date is much more recent. A tour guide I contacted on one of the major islands has reports from that island of large lizards existing up until the 2000s. This is even more incredible because the Cape Verde Skink was not known from this island by westerners in historic times. By the time anyone in the West knew about them they were restricted to Branco and Raso, two tiny uninhabited islands. This suggests that they were more widespread than anyone realized. It also leaves the possibility of their survival on other small islands in the chain, or possibly even the large islands.  The guide knows nothing about the skink, and didn't know they went extinct in 1940 until I told him what westerners believed.

Lygodactylus Williamsi "Expedition" 2

 A Tanzanian Guide and the local guides or rangers of the Kimboza forest documented more Williamsi. This time 9 females and 4 males were seen on the hike through the small forest. More exciting is the prospect of discovering an unknown population. According to the guide, the rangers say an population of "blue geckos" lives several miles from Kimboza in a similar sized forest. However they are rarer there. My guide went to this forest briefly but did not see them, however he was assured that if he stayed long enough they would be found there. This would be something of a relief to the species for another sizable forest pocket to contain them.

Critically Endangered Lygodactylus Williamsi Expeditions

 I paid for a guide to survey the Kimboza forest in Tanzania, the biggest known habitat of the electric blue day gecko. Kimboza is just a few square miles in size and is bisected by a road. While the guide reported several male and three female geckos seen, it is still troubling that they have such a small range. The guide reported that people come into Kimboza at night and log trees, destroying habitat. Imagine what 20 more years of this might do.  A female Lygodactylus Williamsi that crawled onto the guide by mistake! The road that splits part of the forest. It is for this reason I also had him survey a forest North of the town of Mikese to try to find another population. However, none were found there. Yellow headed day geckos, another Lygodactylus species were found there instead.  I'm having the guide return to Kimboza to take more photographs this week. He will also survey a forest not far from Kimboza close to Kungwe. If a second large population can be found it wi...

Most Wanted "Extinct" Species

 We have come up with a fantastic way of searching for extinct species without even leaving the country. Hiring or convincing guides from tour websites in the native species' countries and having them go look for signs of the animal themselves. We have put this into effect with several species already and intend to do it with more.  Here is our list of "most wanted" lost species. Often times will will have the guide look where no one has before, in an unexpected habitat or unexplored locality.  1. Cuban Ivory-Billed Woodpecker There are several areas of Cuba where this bird hasn't been search for. Most searches have focused on far East Cuba, we intend on searching other areas. 2. Cape Verde Giant Skink Most searches have focused on the islands of Branco and Raso. We will hire a guide to look on other islands, asking locals if they have ever seen such a large lizard. 3. Yunnan Lake newt All searches have been conducted in Kunming lake. We intend to hire someone to ask ...

Madagascar Land Deed Papers Finalized

 The papers for the land ownership of the 4 hectares (10 acres) near Zahamena National park is now final. My guys met the landowner (the pastor) in Moramanga town in between Antanadava where the pastor is from and Antananarivo where my guy is from.  The location of the meeting was proven by this picture. Ambatondrazaka is up the road from Moramanga as indicated by this sign. Signing the papers. Stamped ID documents. My guys: The pastor: Two witnesses: The deed: The 10 acres tract will now be protected. My guy is going to hire a ranger for $10 a month! They have also put up 10 signs and will likely put up more to keep trespassers out. Be a tour guide, my guy will likely use this land for ecotourism as he said it is easier to reach than the camp inside Zahamena national park. We also plan to plant saplings in a deforested section. It's now official.