Critically Endangered Lygodactylus Williamsi Expeditions
I paid for a guide to survey the Kimboza forest in Tanzania, the biggest known habitat of the electric blue day gecko. Kimboza is just a few square miles in size and is bisected by a road. While the guide reported several male and three female geckos seen, it is still troubling that they have such a small range. The guide reported that people come into Kimboza at night and log trees, destroying habitat. Imagine what 20 more years of this might do.
It is for this reason I also had him survey a forest North of the town of Mikese to try to find another population. However, none were found there. Yellow headed day geckos, another Lygodactylus species were found there instead.
I'm having the guide return to Kimboza to take more photographs this week. He will also survey a forest not far from Kimboza close to Kungwe. If a second large population can be found it will ease the threat level on this gecko species.
There will be more expeditions for this and many other species of endangered and possibly extinct animals.
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