Buying Land Near Zahamena National Park, Madagascar

 I have wanted to help buy land to protect in Madagascar since I was in high school and I recently had the opportunity to make this dream come true. I found a man who runs a tour agency and he agreed to get others involved to help make this happen. I suggested land near Zahamena national park and he contacted a guide named Hary near the area to see what plots were available. He initially came back with seven deforested plots but later was able to find two forested plots. One of these plots was 4 hectares and the other 8 hectares. I chose to pay for the 4 hectare plot. 

At first, the guide Hary surveyed the land to make sure it was as advertised. He found 1/4 of it deforested but otherwise in great condition. He saw Brown lemurs and heard reports of Indri in the area.

We then made the decision to buy the land, which was then owned by a local pastor. My main guy, named Andry, had 10 no trespassing signs made to put up around the property once it was purchased.

Andry then left on a Saturday to drive to the property from the Capitol Antananarivo to the town of Antandanava near Zahamena national park where they would meet the pastor.

He picked up the guide, Hary, on the way to the town as Hary is well connected to the area and is well respected. I was sent photos of this but I will not post close up photos of them because I have not asked their permission to do so. 

They arrived to Antanadava late that night and stayed at a local hotel after meeting Hary's wife for dinner.

Early the next morning they embarked from Antanadava to the 4 hectare property owned by the pastor.

Hiking gear Andry sent a photo of early that morning as he prepared.

Hary that morning ready for the hike.

The Kibota and driver they hired to take them from Antanandava to the property.

Driving out of Antanadava.

The view of Lake Alaotra as they headed up in elevation.

Nearing Zahamena.

They arrived on the property and met the pastor about an hour later. They lost Whatsapp communication the entire day and Andry got back to me late that night about what they had seen. They saw Brown lemurs again as expected, but amazingly also saw the Critically endangered Indri. Andry said the forest was connected to Zahamena national park on its Western side. In total Andry took about 100 photos and 20 videos which he sent to me the next day when service outside of Antanadava was better.

Indri lemur seen on the property.

They discovered a lemur trap which they destroyed using Hary's machete.

The trigger.

Hary in the forest.

Evidence of logging in the forest.

To keep hunters and loggers out the 10 signs were posted around the property.

The border of Zahamena as seen from one side of the 4 hectare property.

The other 8 hectare tract near Zahamena.

The pastor's farming cabin on the 4 hectare property.

Signing over the property to Andry and Hary.

The pastor and Hary.

The papers will be finalized and stamped within days and that process will be photographed as well. Andry believes the property is not 4 but actually 5 hectares in size. We will work to replant the deforested section and possibly link it better to Zahamena national park. Already Andry contacted an organization that will give us up to 2,000 saplings for free in December. There is also talk of hiring a ranger, possibly the pastor's son. 

Andry speaks English well and is very knowledgeable about the native wildlife, even using scientific names. Hary speaks no English and doesn't know the wildlife well but is well respected in the community and is an excellent woodsman. 

There will be updates to this post as well as new posts in the future.


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