How the Indri Proves the Zahamena Land Story

 It has been argued that my partners did not go to the Zahamena area. A previous post explored why that made no sense from many perspectives. One key item left out was the range and scarcity of the Indri lemur. The indri exists in parts of the Eastern rainforests of Madagascar.

Indri Range:

My guys left from the Capitol of Antananarivo.

 With the range of the Indri taken into account, the closest place to have a reasonable chance of seeing Indris is Andasibe-Mantadia nation park East of the Capitol. 

However, seeing the Indri was not the goal of the expedition. They could have filmed a more common lemur species even closer to the capitol to try to sell the deal. Instead they came back with many videos of one individual Indri, plus a video of multiple Indris calling in the distance. The video narration also provides evidence that this is a recent video. "We are here to save this Indri's habitat."

With Indris being rare (1,000 to 10,000 remain) they could not have banked on finding the indri if they had simply gone to a closer national park. This is another key point in the argument that the expedition to Zahamena was not real or recent.


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